Frequently Asked Questions

A business record is defined as information that is stored for a set period of time for regulatory, business, or legal workings.

Keeping your important records in your office can be extremely risky and potentially very costly. Should there be a fire, flood or other disaster, your valuable documents could be completely destroyed. By storing your records in a facility that has been designed and built specifically for document storage, you can relax, with the knowledge that your records are in a safe and secure environment. Also you save time and money by out-sourcing the management of records to professionals.

Next to security of your records, the simplicity and efficiency of retrieving records from storage is the biggest advantage to storing documents with a Global Records Management Ltd. With us, your file is just one phone call away and can be accessed 24/7, every day of the year with 100% accuracy.

A Records Retention Schedule is a set guideline that outlines which types of documents need to be retained and for what duration. The retention period varies from industry to industry, as well as from one organization to the next. The Public Records and Archive Administration Department (PRAAD) publishes a list of recommended retention periods for a wide variety of records in Ghana.

Usually records that can be called upon in an audit or other legal circumstances, such as financial statements, capital stock and bond records, deeds, mortgages, bills of sale, general ledgers, property appraisals, retirement and pension records, tax returns, and training manuals should be permanently retained.

Secure Shredding of your documents is the most secure way to destroy your records. Never throw your records away in a garbage can or dumpster.

Some companies have a Records Retention Schedule already in place. Usually the Legal Department or Risk Management Departments can usually tell you if your company has a published schedule. IA Records Retention Schedule is a set guideline that outlines which types of documents need to be retained and for what duration. The retention period varies from industry to industry, as well as from one organization to the next. The Public Records and Archive Administration Department (PRAAD) publishes a list of recommended retention periods for a wide variety of records in Ghana.

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